

A/B testing

about, 312, 341345, 362n

as complementary research approach, 109

prototyping with code, 298

abductive reasoning, 58, 62n

Abi-Chahine, Elie, 273

acronyms, inventing, 8283

active listening, 323324

affinity diagrams

about, 47, 137

brainstorming alternatives and, 251

creating, 141148

finding patterns and insights using, 136137

grouping considerations, 144

initial sorting, 143144

looking for insights, 147148

preparation, 142

reading out and re-sorting, 146147

summaries, 144145

taping it up, 147

Agile process, 5859, 273, 368

all-hands meetings, 82

Amazon Kindle e-reader, 2930

Amtrak case study, 3031, 140

analysis paralysis, 54, 86

analyst reports, 133

animation, prototyping, 299

anomalies in data, 110112

APIs (application ...

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