Statistics of numeric features

We will now take a look at the statistics of numeric features:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._val numericFeatures = trainDF.schema.filter(_.dataType != StringType)val description = trainDF.describe( _*)val quantils = numericFeatures                .map(f=>trainDF.stat.approxQuantile(,                                 Array(.25,.5,.75),0)).transposeval rowSeq = Seq(Seq("q1"+:quantils(0): _*),            Seq("median"+:quantils(1): _*),            Seq("q3"+:quantils(2): _*))val rows => s match{     case Seq(a:String,b:Double,c:Double,d:Double,             e:Double,f:Double,g:Double,                                                           h:Double,i:Double,j:Double,k:Double)=> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)})         val allStats = description.unionAll(sc.parallelize(rows).toDF) allStats.registerTempTable("allStats") ...

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