Configuring programming environment

In this section, we describe how to configure our programming environment so that we can interoperate with Spark, H2O, and Adam. Note that using H2O on a laptop or desktop is quite resource intensive. Therefore, make sure that your laptop has at least 16 GB of RAM and enough storage.

Anyway, I am going to make this project a Maven project on Eclipse. However, you can try to define the same dependencies in SBT too. Let us define the properties tag on a pom.xml file for a Maven-friendly project:

<properties>    <spark.version>2.2.1</spark.version>    <scala.version>2.11.12</scala.version>    <h2o.version></h2o.version>    <sparklingwater.version>2.2.6</sparklingwater.version> <adam.version>0.23.0</adam.version> ...

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