Step 7 - Topic modelling 

Print the top 10 topics, showing the top-weighted terms for each topic. Also, include the total weight in each topic as follows:

var sum = 0.0println(s"${params.k} topics:")topics.zipWithIndex.foreach {    case (topic, i) =>        println(s"TOPIC $i")        println("------------------------------")        topic.foreach {    case (term, weight) =>        term.replaceAll("\s", "")        println(s"$termt$weight")        sum = sum + weight    }println("----------------------------")println("weight: " + sum)println()

Now let's see the output of our LDA model towards topics modeling:

 5 topics: TOPIC 0 ------------------------------ come 0.0070183359426213635 make 0.006893251344696077 look 0.006629265338364568 know 0.006592594912464674 take 0.006074234442310174 little ...

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