Configuring DL4j, ND4s, and ND4j

The following libraries can be integrated with DL4j. They will make your JVM experience easier, whether you're developing your ML application in Java or Scala:

  • DL4j: Neural net platform
  • ND4J: NumPy for the JVM
  • DataVec: Tool for ML ETL operations
  • JavaCPP: The bridge between Java and native C++
  • Arbiter: Evaluation tool for ML algorithms
  • RL4J: Deep reinforcement learning for the JVM

ND4j is just like NumPy for JVM. It comes with some basic operations of linear algebra, such as matrix creation, addition, and multiplication. ND4S, on the other hand, is a scientific computing library for linear algebra and matrix manipulation. Basically, it supports n-dimensional arrays for JVM-based languages.

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