Wrapping up by executing the main() method

Let's wrap up the overall discussion by watching the performance of our model. The following code is an overall glimpse:

package Yelp.Classifierimport Yelp.Preprocessor.CSVImageMetadataReader._import Yelp.Preprocessor.featureAndDataAlignerimport Yelp.Preprocessor.imageFeatureExtractor._import Yelp.Evaluator.ResultFileGenerator._import Yelp.Preprocessor.makeND4jDataSets._import Yelp.Evaluator.ModelEvaluation._import Yelp.Trainer.CNNEpochs._import Yelp.Trainer.NeuralNetwork._object YelpImageClassifier {    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {        // image processing on training data        val labelMap = readBusinessLabels("data/labels/train.csv")        val businessMap = readBusinessToImageLabels("data/labels/train_photo_to_biz_ids.csv") ...

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