A code example

Let's look at the code for the preceding example, one step at a time. First of all, we have defined a Money class that represents the amount the user requests. The definition looks like the following:

case class Money(amount: Int)

Now, let's have a look at the Dispenser trait. It is the one that the concrete dispensers extend, as shown here:

trait Dispenser {  val amount: Int  val next: Option[Dispenser]  def dispense(money: Money): Unit = {    if (money.amount >= amount) {      val notes = money.amount / amount      val left = money.amount % amount      System.out.println(s"Dispensing $notes note/s of $amount.")      if (left > 0) next.map(_.dispense(Money(left)))    } else {      next.foreach(_.dispense(money))    }  }}

As we mentioned in the preceding section, ...

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