
This is a cookbook of problem-solving recipes about Scala, the most interesting programming language I’ve ever used. The book contains solutions to more than 250 common problems, shown with possibly more than 700 examples. (I haven’t counted, but I suspect that’s true.)

There are a few unique things about this book:

  • As a cookbook, it’s intended to save you time by providing solutions to the most common problems you’ll encounter.

  • Almost all of the examples are shown in the Scala interpreter. As a result, whether you’re sitting by a computer, on a plane, or reading in your favorite recliner, you get the benefit of seeing their exact output. (Which often leads to, “Ah, so that’s how that works.”)

  • The book covers not only the Scala language, but also has large chapters on Scala tools and libraries, including SBT, actors, the collections library (more than 100 pages), and JSON processing.

Just prior to its release, the book was updated to cover Scala 2.10.x and SBT 0.12.3.

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