19.5. Make Immutable Collections Covariant


You want to create a collection whose elements can’t be changed (they’re immutable), and want to understand how to specify it.


You can define a collection of immutable elements as invariant, but your collection will be much more flexible if you declare that your type parameter is covariant. To make a type parameter covariant, declare it with the + symbol, like [+A].

Covariant type parameters are shown in the Scaladoc for immutable collection classes like List, Vector, and Seq:

class List[+T]
class Vector[+A]
trait Seq[+A]

By defining the type parameter to be covariant, you create a situation where the collection can be used in a more flexible manner.

To demonstrate this, modify the example from the previous recipe slightly. First, define the class hierarchy:

trait Animal {
  def speak

class Dog(var name: String) extends Animal {
  def speak { println("Dog says woof") }

class SuperDog(name: String) extends Dog(name) {
  override def speak { println("I'm a SuperDog") }

Next, define a makeDogsSpeak method, but instead of accepting a mutable ArrayBuffer[Dog] as in the previous recipe, accept an immutable Seq[Dog]:

def makeDogsSpeak(dogs: Seq[Dog]) {

As with the ArrayBuffer in the previous recipe, you can pass a sequence of type [Dog] into makeDogsSpeak without a problem:

// this works
val dogs = Seq(new Dog("Fido"), new Dog("Tanner"))

However, in this case, you can also pass a Seq[SuperDog] into ...

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