16.1. Connecting to MySQL with JDBC


You want to connect to a MySQL database (or any other database with a JDBC driver) from a Scala application using “plain old JDBC.”


Use JDBC just like you would in a Java application. Download the MySQL JDBC driver, and then access your database with code like this:

package tests

import java.sql.{Connection,DriverManager}

object ScalaJdbcConnectSelect extends App {

  // connect to the database named "mysql" on port 8889 of localhost
  val url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:8889/mysql"
  val driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
  val username = "root"
  val password = "root"
  var connection:Connection = _
  try {
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)
    val statement = connection.createStatement
    val rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT host, user FROM user")
    while (rs.next) {
      val host = rs.getString("host")
      val user = rs.getString("user")
      println("host = %s, user = %s".format(host,user))
  } catch {
    case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace


That code shows how to query a database table named user in a database named mysql. That database name and table name are standard in any MySQL installation.

As shown in the example, the format of the MySQL JDBC URL string is:


In this code I have MySQL running on port 8889 on my computer because it’s the default port when using MAMP, a tool that makes it easy to run MySQL, Apache, and PHP on Mac OS X systems. If you have MySQL ...

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