2.9. Formatting Numbers and Currency


You want to format numbers or currency to control decimal places and commas, typically for printed output.


For basic number formatting, use the f string interpolator shown in Recipe 1.4:

scala> val pi = scala.math.Pi
pi: Double = 3.141592653589793

scala> println(f"$pi%1.5f")

A few more examples demonstrate the technique:

scala> f"$pi%1.5f"
res0: String = 3.14159

scala> f"$pi%1.2f"
res1: String = 3.14

scala> f"$pi%06.2f"
res2: String = 003.14

If you’re using a version of Scala prior to 2.10, or prefer the explicit use of the format method, you can write the code like this instead:

scala> "%06.2f".format(pi)
res3: String = 003.14

A simple way to add commas is to use the getIntegerInstance method of the java.text.NumberFormat class:

scala> val formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance
formatter: java.text.NumberFormat = java.text.DecimalFormat@674dc

scala> formatter.format(10000)
res0: String = 10,000

scala> formatter.format(1000000)
res1: String = 1,000,000

You can also set a locale with the getIntegerInstance method:

scala> val locale = new java.util.Locale("de", "DE")
locale: java.util.Locale = de_DE

scala> val formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(locale)
formatter: java.text.NumberFormat = java.text.DecimalFormat@674dc

scala> formatter.format(1000000)
res2: String = 1.000.000

You can handle floating-point values with a formatter returned by getInstance:

scala> val formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance ...

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