
1dB gain compression point, 76

2° spacing, 17, 83, 84, 2845, 314

2B + D (basic rate ISDN), 258, 424

3G see Third generation mobile (3G) system

4:2:0 signal, 155, 17980, 191, 365, 382, 423

4:2:2 signal, 155, 179, 191, 211, 218, 365, 382, 424

4:4:4 signal, 191, 424

8-PSK, 60, 61, 194, 198, 207, 424

10/100 base-T interface, 226

16-APSK, 60, 207

16-QAM, 60, 61, 198, 424

29-25 log10θ characteristic, 85, 285

64-QAM, 60, 424

A-pol (A-polarization), 87, 425

ACATS see Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (ACATS)

Access (for uplinks) see Permissions

Active video, 180, 3812

Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM), 215, 261, 424

Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding (ASPEC) system, 217, 425

ADPCM see Adaptive differential ...

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