

AB option, NPAR1WAY procedure  212

ADJUST= option, LSMEANS statement (GLM)  98, 100

adjusted R-square, generating plots of  142, 144

AGREE option, TABLES statement (FREQ)  166, 175–177

AIC (Akaike Information Criterion)  187,  199–200

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)  187,  199–200

ALL option, TABLES statement (FREQ)  166

ALPHA= option, TTEST procedure  70–71

analysis of variance

See ANOVA (analysis of variance)

ANOVA (analysis of variance)

analyzing randomized block designs  108–109

computing sample size for  225–227

Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA  210–211

multiple comparison tests  97–101

one-way design  92–97, 210–211

producing diffograms  101–102

two-way factorial designs  102–108

Ansari-Bradley test  211–213

at sign (@)  15, 212

automatic ...

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