
ADD method

about   12–13

DATA: argument tag   82

KEY: argument tag   82

multiple sets of data items per key value   74, 129

ordering observations by unsaved variables   91

REF method and   74

specifying values to argument tags   76–77

summarizing hierarchically related data sets   109

ALL: argument tag, DEFINEDATA method   95, 99, 167

argument tags

See also specific argument tags

about   9–10

DECLARE statement   27–28

multiple sets of data items per key value and   117–121

ordering considerations   75

specifying values to   76–77

ARRAY statement   10

ATTRIB statement

adding variables to PDV   12

altering values of variables   30–31, 33

connecting variables and hash object items   15–23

initializing variables   14–15

returning data items   37 ...

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