Chapter 7: Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats

  1. If you don't specify the LIBRARY= option on the PROC FORMAT statement, your formats are stored in Work.Formats, and they exist ...
    1. only for the current procedure.
    2. only for the current DATA step.
    3. only for the current SAS session.
    4. permanently.
    Correct answer: c
    If you do not specify the LIBRARY= option, formats are stored in a default format catalog named Work.Formats. As the libref Work implies, any format that is stored in Work.Formats is a temporary format that exists only for the current SAS session.
  2. Which of the following statements will store your formats in a permanent catalog?
    1. libname library 'c:\sas\formats\lib'; 
      proc format lib=library 

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