Chapter 9: Producing HTML Output

  1. Using ODS statements, how many types of output can you generate at once?
    1. 1 (only HTML output)
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. as many as you want
    Correct answer: d
    You can generate any number of output types as long as you open the ODS destination for each type of output you want to create.
  2. If ODS is set to its default settings in the SAS windowing environment for Microsoft Windows and UNIX, , what types of output are created by the code below?
    ods html file='c:\myhtml.htm'; 
    ods pdf file='c:\mypdf.pdf';
    1. HTML and PDF
    2. PDF only
    3. HTML, PDF, and listing
    4. No output is created because ODS is closed by default.
    Correct answer: b
    HTML output is created by default in the SAS windowing environment ...

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