In general, indexing on a column with a small number (less than 6 or 7) of distinct
values does not result in a performance gain.
You can use the same column in a simple index and in a composite index. However,
for tables that have a primary key integrity constraint, do not create more than one
index that is based on the same column as the primary key.
Deleting Indexes
To delete an index from a table, use the DROP INDEX statement. The following DROP
INDEX statement deletes the index Places from NewCountries:
proc sql;
drop index places from sql.newcountries;
Deleting a Table
To delete a PROC SQL table, use the DROP TABLE statement:
proc sql;
drop table sql.newcountries;
Using SQL Procedure Tables in SAS Software
Because PROC SQL tables are SAS data files, you can use them as input to a DATA step
or to other SAS procedures. For example, the following PROC MEANS step calculates
the mean for Area for all countries that are in the Countries table:
proc means data=sql.countries mean maxdec=2;
title "Mean Area for All Countries";
var area;
Output 4.12 Using a PROC SQL Table in PROC MEANS
128 Chapter 4 Creating and Updating Tables and Views

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