accordingly. The applications can also be saved as SAS stored processes and
subsequently executed by the SAS Business Intelligence components such as SAS
Web Report Studio. The DMINE, DMREG, and DMDB procedures are thread-
enabled with THREADS as the default. NOTHREADS disables multithreaded
SAS Enterprise Miner includes a key set of high-performance statistical and data
mining procedures for tasks such as data binning, imputation, scoring, and
transformations, and others. These procedures execute in the highly threaded SAS
High-Performance Analytics Server. In MPP mode, SAS Enterprise Miner distributes
data, memory, and computation across the server nodes to build predictive models. If
the SAS High-Performance Analytics Server is installed and specific Hadoop HPDM
code is enabled, an HPDM tab is available in SAS Enterprise Miner that permits
execution on the server nodes. Scoring code from Enterprise Miner can be run inside
the database using SAS In-Database technology. For more information, see SAS
Enterprise Miner: Administration and Configuration.
SAS Viya
With SAS 9.4M5, you can license SAS Viya, software that offers a variety of high
performance products and access to SAS Cloud Analytic Services. For more
information, see An Introduction to SAS Viya Programming.
SAS Viya 219
220 Chapter 13 Support for Parallel Processing

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