temporarily changing column headings
viewing and editing data sets 614
remote library access 590
WHERE expressions 92, 177
clearing 394
combining with logical operators 188
compound 177, 189
compound optimization 661
constants in 181
efficient 190
functions in 180
operands in 179
operators in 182
optimizing 659
order of evaluation for combining 189
processing views 191
segmenting a subset 190
simple 177
subsetting data with 392
syntax 179
variables in 179
versus subsetting IF statement 193
where to use 178
WHERE-expression processing 177
comparing resource usage 663
compound optimization 661
controlling index usage 664
displaying index usage information 664
estimating qualified observations 662
I/O optimization and 198
identifying available indexes 659
indexes for 659
indexes for, with BY processing 666
indexes with views 665
performance improvement 190
window contents
printing 266
windowing environment 4, 357
assigning passwords with 732
command line 370
commands 372
customizing 10
data management in 378
Enhanced Editor window 360
Explorer 359, 378
Help 370
list of windows 372
Log window 361
main windows 358
menus 366
navigating 365
Output window 363
Results window 362
running SAS sessions in 8
toolbars 369
VIEWTABLE window 382
registering TrueType fonts 290
words 21
placement and spacing in statements 23
types of 21
Work library 378, 593
relation to User library 594
wrapper classes 550
write protection 730, 735
XML engine 722
XML LIBNAME engine 754
XPORT engine 722
year 2000 112
YEARCUTOFF= system option
year 2000 and 112
year digits and 112, 113
four-digit 112, 113
two-digit 112, 113
youngest version 632
registering TrueType fonts 291
zoned decimal data 453
Index 843

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