
This index intentionally begins on page 567; Appendix D (pages 547-566) is located online.

Page numbers prefixed with PDF: refer to topics found in the online appendixes accessible at


_ (underscore) prefixes for methods, 28, 38

2D transformations (WebKit), 349-350

3D space, placing layers in, 205-207

3D transformations (WebKit), 349-350


ABORT statement, 377

abstracting changes with NSInvocation class, 301-302

acceleration, measuring, 435

AccelerometerGraph example, 436-437

filtering measurements, 437-438

UIAccelerometer class, 435-436

AccelerometerGraph example, 436-437


calibrating, 438

explained, 433-434

manufacturing process for, 434-435

measuring acceleration, 435-438

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