

+ (addition) operator, 80

+= (adds to a variable) operator, 233

/ * (C comments), 303

* / (C comments), 303

%= (computes the remainder based on a variable’s contents), 233

– – (decrement) operator, 310

/= (divides a variable’s contents) operator, 233

/ (division) operator, 80

. (dot) operator, 315

= (equal to) operator, 100

^ (exponentiation) operator, 80

<< (extraction) operator, 312

. (file extension), 301

> (greater than) operator, 100, 234

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 100, 234

{ } (grouping symbols), 300

< > (grouping symbols), 300

( ) (grouping symbols), 300

( ) (groups expressions together) operator, 80

++ (increment) operator, 310

>> (insertion) operator, 312

< (less than) operator, 100, 234

<= (less than or equal ...

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