
My deepest thanks to the following contributing writers, who, through their writing and dedication, have helped me to finalize and release this book despite a number of personal delays and distractions over the past year: Robert Peledie (Hours 6 and 19), Scott Colson (Hour 18), Guy Riddle (Hour 5), Steve Noe (Hours 7 and 14), Glenn Sharp (Hour 10), Kyle O’Connor (Hours 23 and 24), John Gravely (Hour 9), and Pierre Hulsebus (Hours 20, 21, and 22).

And an extra thank you to the team of people at Pearson Education and the editors who told me like it was, helped bring the content to the next level, and were a great team to work with. They were extremely valuable to this book and to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community as a whole. ...

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