

1:So that your program remembers long, multipage Web transactions, you need to use
  1. Databases and cookies

  2. Hidden HTML form fields

  3. Some combination of hidden HTML form fields, cookies, and databases

2:Using an HTML <form> tag without an action attribute will
  1. Not work

  2. Cause the submit button to use the CGI program that originally generated the page

  3. Cause the submit button to reload the current page

3:The survey program, as listed, has a small bug. What is it?
  1. print<<EOP; is not valid syntax in Listing 23.2.

  2. The HTML is not complete because it lacks <head> tags and such.

  3. The survey doesn't print its results.


A1: Either b or c. You can use just hidden HTML fields or just cookies. Using just a database won't quite work.
A2: b. Reloading ...

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