Appendix B. Unix Command Reference

man [section] <command>
Look up a command
Display current directory
ls [-al]
List directory contents
Change Directory
rm <filename>
Delete file
cp <filename> <ending filename>
Copy file to new location
mv <filename> <edning filename>
Move file to new location
cat <filename>
Display entire file
more <filename>
Display file one page at a time
wc [-l|w|c] <filename>
Return file statistics: number of words, lines, and characters
uudecode/uuencode <fielname>
Encode/decode binary file to transmit through email
bg/fg <process>
Move process to the foreground/background
ps [ax or ef]
List processes running on the system
kill -<signal> < process ID>
Send end signal to a running process
lp -d<printer name> ...

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