

Q1:What are those funny letters and numbers at the bottom of the Color Picker?
A1: Those describe Web colors. The alphanumerics define the selected color in HTML.
Q2:Is there ever a time when I would want to work in Lab Color?
A2: Well, I've been using Photoshop since version 2, and I haven't yet found a need for Lab Color. Without knowing who you are and how you use Photoshop, I can't say you'll never need it, but it's unlikely.
Q3:What are Web-safe colors, and why are there fewer than 256 of them?
A3: Macintoshes and PCs both can use a limited palette of 256 colors. However, the two palettes aren't quite the same. Only 216 of the 256 colors are identical. These are the Web-safe colors, meaning that no matter what kind of computer ...

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