
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and begin learning how to put your knowledge into practice.


1:What command would you use to back up the /var/www, /var/logs, and /home directory trees to the only IDE tape drive on a Linux computer system?
2:How do you start the Fedora Core 4 rescue tool?
3:What command is used to perform file system checks of the Linux ext2 and ext3 file systems?
4:Finding garbage in your files is a symptom of what type of critical problem?


A1: tar -c -f /dev/ht0 /var/www /var/logs /home
A2: Boot from your install media (floppy or CD-ROM) and enter the text linux rescue at the boot: prompt.
A3: e2fsck
A4: File system corruption


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