
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and begin learning how to put your knowledge into practice.


1:What pattern would you use with the rm command to remove the files houseprices.txt, priceless.gif, and car.myprice?
2:How would you search the file shoecolors.txt for lines containing the word red?
3:How would you quickly search your entire file system for a file called FedoraNotes.txt?


A1: *price*
A2: grep red shoecolors.txt
A3: locate FedoraNotes.txt


  1. Use locate and less to get a listing of all the files of the following types on your system, displayed one page at a time: .txt, .gif, .jpg, and .gz.

  2. Using the techniques learned in this chapter, create a directory ...

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