Opening Pipes to and from Processes Using popen()

In Chapter 11, “Working with Files and Directories,” you learned how to open a file for reading and writing, using the fopen() function. Now, you'll see that you can open a pipe to a process using the popen() function.

The popen() function is used like this:

$file_pointer = popen("some command", mode)

The mode is either r (read) or w (write).

Listing 12.1 is designed to produce an error—it will attempt to open a file for reading, which does not exist.

Listing 12.1. Using popen() to Read a File
1: <?php
2: $file_handle = popen("/path/to/fakefile 2>&1", "r");
3: $read = fread($file_handle, 2096);
4: echo $read;
5: pclose($file_handle);
6: ?>

Line 2 utilizes the popen() function, attempting ...

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