What Is SVG?

SVG is an XML application language that is intended to replace many uses of bitmap graphics on the Web and provide a vector graphics standard that is not vendor-specific (compare Microsoft’s VML) and that is open source (compare Macromedia’s Flash/SWF). SVG is written in XML-compliant syntax.

Version 1.0 of SVG became a W3C Recommendation in September 2001. At the time of this writing, version 1.1 of SVG is a W3C Candidate Recommendation (www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/) and will provide modularization of SVG so that SVG can be used on mobile browsers as well as on traditional desktop browsers.

SVG code is always well-formed SVG and can be validated against a publicly available DTD. SVG has elements for displaying text—text and tspan—as well ...

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