Hour 22

1: Add a check to the sshd init script that verifies if the user is root. (Init scripts should only be executed by root).

HINT: Use the id and sed commands.

A1: You can add a check similar to the following to the beginning of the init script:
CURUID="`id | sed -e 's/(.*$//' -e 's/^.*\=//'`"
if [ "$CURUID" -ne 0 ] ; then
    echo "Error: Only root (uid=0) can run this script." 1>&2
    exit 1
unset CURUID
2: The showperson script lists all matching entries in the address book based on a name provided by the user. The matches produced are case sensitive. How can you change the script matches so they aren't case sensitive?
A2: Use grep -i instead of grep.
3: Both the showperson and delperson scripts reproduce the following code
 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin ...

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