Appendix. Color Name and Hex Value Reference Table

As mentioned in Hour 6, “Styling SVG,” color can be defined using color keywords. The following relational table matches color keywords to their RGB values and hexadecimal notation. These values are all taken from Chapter 4.2 of the W3C SVG Recommendation, “Recognized color keyword names.” For a visual display of these colors alongside their values, be sure to visit this book's companion site:

Color Name RGB Value Hex Value
aliceblue 240, 248, 255 F0F8FF
antiquewhite 250, 235, 215 FAEBD7
aqua 0, 255, 255 00FFFF
aquamarine 127, 255, 212 7FFFD4
azure 240, 255, 255 F0FFFF
beige 245, 245, 220 F5F5DC
bisque 255, 228, 196 FFE4C4
black 0, 0, 0 000000
blanchedalmond 255, 235, 205 FFEBCD ...

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