Answers for Hour 9

1: True or False: Form menu bars are created using the Context Menu control.
A1: False. They are created using the Main Menu control.
2: To create an accelerator or hotkey, preface the character with a(n):
A2: Ampersand (&)
3: If you've designed a menu using a Main Menu control, but that menu isn't visible on the form designer, how do you make it appear?
A3: Click the Main Menu control at the bottom of the form designer.
4: To place a check mark next to a menu item, you set what property of the item?
A4: The Checked property.
5: How do you add code to a menu item?
A5: Double-click the item while in Edit mode.
6: Toolbar items are part of what collection?
A6: The Buttons collection
7: To create a separator on a toolbar, you create a new ...

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