First Ruby/Gtk Scripts

The simplest Ruby/Gtk scripts tend to look quite a bit like their Ruby/Tk counterparts. You require the toolkit, then define the windows, widgets, and functions that make up the logic of your program, and finally invoke an event loop. A minimal Ruby/Gtk application is shown in Listing 18.1.

Listing 18.1. minimal_1.rb
01:   #!/usr/bin/env ruby
03:   require 'gtk'
05:   win =
06:   win.set_title('First Ruby/Gtk application')
07:   win.signal_connect('destroy') {exit}
08:   win.show_all
10:   Gtk::main
11:   puts 'All done.'

When you run minimal_1.rb, an empty window appears. You can close the window by clicking the closer widget (depending on the window manager in use, typically a box, marked with an X, in ...

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