Using the IN Operator

The IN operator is used to specify a range of conditions, any of which can be matched. IN takes a comma-delimited list of valid values, all enclosed within parentheses. The following example demonstrates this:

SELECT prod_name, prod_price
FROM Products
WHERE vend_id  IN ('DLL01','BRS01')
ORDER BY prod_name;
prod_name              prod_price
-------------------    ----------
12 inch teddy bear     8.9900
18 inch teddy bear     11.9900
8 inch teddy bear      5.9900
Bird bean bag toy      3.4900
Fish bean bag toy      3.4900
Rabbit bean bag toy    3.4900
Raggedy Ann            4.9900

The SELECT statement retrieves all products made by vendor DLL01 and vendor BRS01. The IN

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