Day 6


1:How many tables can appear in a single query?
A1: In previous releases of SQL Server, there was a limit of 16 tables. However, Microsoft has increased this limit to 256, which is probably more than any query you write will ever need.
2:Can a subquery be run as a join or vice versa?
A2: Yes, in most cases, a subquery can be implemented as a join or vice versa.
3:In which SQL clauses may a subquery appear?
A3: A subquery can be used in any SELECT, WHERE, and HAVING statement or clause.


These exercises use the Pubs database.

1:List the authors who have at least one book priced above the average price.
A1: This one is a bit harder than it looks. To answer it, you must use the Authors table to get the author names, the Sales table ...

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