Adding Templates to Read the Data That Isn't in the <Author> or <Publisher> Nodes

In the previous example, the data that was extracted from the XML file by the template was from the <Author> and <Publisher> nodes, both of which have child nodes. In the next example, you'll see how the data from the nodes without child nodes is extracted. Reopen listing12-4.xsl and modify it to match Listing 12.6. Save it as listing12-5.xsl. The additional lines are marked in bold.

Listing 12.6 Reading the Data That Isn't in the <Author> or <Publisher> Nodes
 1: <?xml version="1.0"?> 2: <!-- This file is an XSL style sheet file that is used to 3: read the data from the simple book catalog database. 4: --> 5: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="uri:xsl"> 6: <xsl:template ...

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