

  1. Which of the following can be used to import a style sheet file into an HTML file?

    1. <LINK HREF="URLOfFile" . . . >

    2. <File="URLOfFile" . . . >

    3. @import url(URLOfFilename);

    4. a and c

  2. What's an XSL pattern?

    1. The fundamental block of XSL code

    2. An executable segment of XSL code

    3. A block of code that can generate HTML code

    4. All of the above

  3. Is it possible to nest one XSL pattern inside another?

    1. No; they generate HTML code, so one cannot be inside another

    2. Yes, provided that the actions they perform allow it

    3. Yes, but only if they're included in separate files

    4. Yes, but only if the XSL file is imported into the HTML file

  4. Is an xsl pattern more difficult to implement than writing the equivalent JavaScript code?

    1. Yes, XSL patterns tend to be very complex

    2. No, XSL patterns ...

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