Day 11


1: What's the difference between ADODB and ADOR?
A1: ADOR is a lightweight version of ADODB. Unlike ADODB, it does not include the Connection object or Command object as well as other functionality.
2: What collection and method do you use to add additional columns to a recordset you are creating from scratch?
A2: The Fields collection and the Append method from the recordset object. An example of it is
rst.Fields.Append "State", adChar, 2
3: What does the CursorLocation property need to be set to for a disconnected recordset?
A3: It would be set to adUseClient, as follows :
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
4: What is the new object in ADO 2.5 that enables you to easily convert a recordset to an XML string?
A4: The ...

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