Q1:Why doesn't ColdFusion have a <CFDELETE>tag?
A1: That would be too easy and too dangerous. By requiring developers to use the SQL DELETE command rather than a simple tag, ColdFusion ensures that you really know what you're doing before you put your data at risk.
Q2:Why doesn't <CFINSERT>require that a primary key be specified, as <CFUPDATE>does?
A2: <CFINSERT> inputs data in much the same way as your database software does when you manually type in a new record. If you use the "autonumber" function in your database (most do this by default), a primary key will be provided for the new record.
Q3:How can I ensure that DELETEactions aren't misused?
A3: You can password-protect pages that use the command, or you can restrict the pages to be ...

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