Q1:What if my site already uses forms that link to CGI scripts? Do I have to replace the scripts with ColdFusion templates?
A1: Nope. ColdFusion will work just fine with existing CGI scripts, including mail handlers, banner rotators, and so on.
Q2:How can a ColdFusion page be the ACTION of a form? Don't ACTIONs have to be programs?
A2: ACTION pages generally have to "do" something, but they don't have to be freestanding programs. In the case of ColdFusion, the template page acts like a script, working in conjunction with the CF server to make things happen.
Q3:Is there any limit to the length of variables a form will accept? If I type my life story into a <TEXTAREA>input box, will ColdFusion still handle it?
A3: Variable length is determined ...

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