Day 10


1: What are the two modes of <CFTABLE>?
A1: Text mode, which creates tables using the <PRE> tag, and HTMLTABLE mode, which creates tables in HTML 3.0 .
2: If your table requires header fields, what parameter must you include in <CFTABLE>?
A2: The COLHEADERS parameter, which alerts ColdFusion that the table will use column headers .
3: If your table requires rows that span multiple columns, which tool should you use to build it?
A3: Plain old HTML tables, with <CFOUTPUT> used to populate the table rows that will contain data .
4: What is nesting?
A4: Nesting occurs when you place one set of tags within another. Most ColdFusion tags support nesting.
5: How many <CFOUTPUT> tags are necessary to build a grouped page?
A5: Two. The first defines ...

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