Q1:I'm having problems with the following program. No files are read in, even though they're in the directory!
opendir(DIRHANDLE, "/mydir") || die;
@files=<DIRHANDLE> ;
A1: Whoops! The problem is in the second line. DIRHANDLE is a directory handle, not a filehandle. You cannot read directory handles with the angle operators (<>). The correct way to read the directory is @files=readdir DIRHANDLE.
Q2:Why doesn't glob("*.*") match all the files in a directory?
A2: Because "*.*" matches only filenames with a dot in them. To match all the files in a directory, use glob("*"). The glob function's patterns are designed to be portable across many operating systems and thus do not behave the same as the *.* pattern in DOS.
Q3: ...

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