
If you've started to figure out the pattern to regular expressions, try this quiz to see what you've learned.


1:If you have lines formatted "x=y", what expression would swap the left and right sides of the expression?
  1. s/(.+)=(.+)/$2=$1/;

  2. s/(*)=(*)/$2=$1/;

  3. s/(.*)=(.*)/$2$1/;

2:After this code, what's the value in $2?
$foo="Star Wars: The Phantom Menace";
$foo=~/star\s((Wars): The Phantom Menace)/;
  1. $2 is not set after the pattern match because the match fails.

  2. Wars

  3. Wars: The Phantom Menace

3:What does the pattern m/^[−+]?[0–9]+(\.[0–9]*)?$/ match?
  1. Dates in the format 04-03-1969

  2. Well-formed numbers such as 45, 15.3, −0.61

  3. Addition-looking patterns: 4+12 or 89+2


A1: a. Choice c doesn't include the = symbol in the replacement string ...

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