Using Allaire ColdFusion

Allaire's ColdFusion is a Web-application development platform. ColdFusion uses a tag-based language to create scripts. To test your SQL, create a simple page that you can execute by calling it from your Web browser. Perform the following steps:

  1. ColdFusion uses OBDC to interact with databases, so an ODBC Data Source must be present before proceeding (see the earlier instructions). The ColdFusion Administrator program also provides an optional Web-based interface to define ODBC Data Sources.

  2. Create a new ColdFusion page (with a CFM extension) using ColdFusion Studio, HomeSite, or any other text editor.

  3. Use the CFML <CFQUERY> and </CFQUERY> tags to create a query block. Name it using the NAME attribute and define the Data ...

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