Integrating and configuring the reactor system

Some of the best use cases for the event system of Salt can be demonstrated by integration with the reactor system. In this recipe, we will learn about the reactor system in Salt and the procedure to configure it.

How to do it...

  1. Configure a minion called salt-minion-1.
  2. On the Salt master, create a new directory as follows:
      [root@salt-master ~]# mkdir -p /etc/salt/master.d
  3. Create and edit /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf to have the following entries:
      - 'cookbook/test':
        - /opt/salt/staging/event/test.sls
  4. Create and edit /opt/salt/staging/event/test.sls to have the following entries:
        - tgt: '*'
        - arg:
          - 'ls -l /* > /tmp/test_output'
  5. Open a new terminal for the Salt master ...

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