Deploying ElastiCache clusters

One more important feature in present day application management is caching services, and Amazon provides a service for this task called ElastiCache. In this recipe, we will learn how to configure ElastiCache using Salt modules.

How to do it...

  1. Create and edit /opt/ salt-cookbook/production/aws/elasticache.sls to have the following entries:
        - engine: redis
        - cache_node_type: cache.t1.micro
        - num_cache_nodes: 1
        - notification_topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west- 2:808429213833:salt-cookbook
        - region: us-west-2
        - keyid: <access-key>
        - key: '<secret-key>'
  2. Apply the state to the Salt master by running the following command:
    [root@salt-master aws]# salt '' ...

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