Configuring cloud providers

Salt cloud providers are the components that provide the cloud service provider specific configuration options and parameters while using Salt cloud. In this recipe, you will learn how to use cloud provider configurations in Salt.

How to do it...

Edit /etc/salt/cloud.providers to have the following entries:


  ssh_interface: private_ips

  id: <access_key>
  key: '<secret_key>'

  keyname: common
  private_key: /etc/salt/key/common.pem

  location: us-west-2
  availability_zone: us-west-2b

  size: t2.micro
  del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
  ssh_username: ec2-user
  rename_on_destroy: True
  provider: ec2

How it works...

In this recipe, we demonstrated the procedure to configure a basic provider file for Salt cloud.

First, we have ...

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