Providing MySQL user grants

In this recipe, you will learn about how to provide grants to MySQL users, that is, the permissions that a user has to perform operations on the databases, and how to relate them with other MySQL definitions.

How to do it...

We will use the same minion as the previous recipe.

  1. Modify /opt/salt-cookbook/staging/mysql/users.sls to have the following entries:
    include: - mysql.database first_db_user: mysql_user.present: - name: stg-admin - password_hash: '{{ pillar['mysql']['stg-passwd-hash'] }}' - host: '%' - connection_charset: utf8 - saltenv: - LC_ALL: "en_US.utf8" - require: - mysql_database: stg_databases second_db_user: mysql_user.present: - name: stg-db - password_hash: '{{ pillar['mysql']['stg-passwd-hash'] }}' - host: ...

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