Using pillar data in states

How to do it...

  1. Create a new state user by creating a directory called user in the base directory of the qa environment and create an init.sls file in the user directory.
  2. Edit /opt/salt-cookbook/qa/user/init.sls and populate it with the following entries:
        - name: {{ pillar['users']['qa_user'] }}
        - password: {{ pillar['users']['qa_user_password'] }}
  3. Run the following command to apply the state to the minion:
    [root@salt-master ~]# salt 'salt-minion' state.sls user \ saltenv=qa --state-output=terse
      Name: qa-app - Function: user.present - Result: Changed
    Succeeded: 1
    Failed:    0
    Total:     1
  4. Edit the /opt/salt-cookbook/pillar/qa/user/init.sls file and remove ...

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