Chapter 18

Diving Deeper into Standard Object Setup


Understanding sales-specific object settings

Using marketing-related settings

Setting customizations for service organizations

In Chapter 17, you get an understanding of the most common configuration options available to you out of the box. If you’ve read that chapter, you understand what it means to build fields, work with records, use record types, and get even more comfortable with business automation. In Chapter 19, we go over how to further customize Salesforce by building objects and apps that make sense for your particular business model. This chapter, on the other hand, shows you some specific configuration options for standard objects in Salesforce.

As you already know (assuming you’ve read some of this book before turning to this page), Salesforce comes preconfigured with standard objects and standard fields in simple layouts for each of these standard objects. We cover these objects — such as Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Cases — in earlier chapters.

In this chapter, we set out to show users common configuration tools and settings as they relate to these standard objects, and what they do for your organization. We cover sales-specific standard object settings, and then discuss settings on marketing-related objects, followed by service settings. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a good idea of which settings can be toggled for specific objects, as opposed to the more general settings ...

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